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Fun with church signs.

What follows is a good example of why my daughter rocks.

She and I drove by a church today that frequently has "witty" sayings on their sign. This week, the sign said, "Did you make God smile today?" I pointed it out to my daughter, but she missed it.

"What did it say?" she asked.

"It said, ‘Did you make God smile today?’"

She paused and asked, "How would you know?"


Evolution is going great!

From The Onion comes another hilarious piece titled Evolution Going Great, Reports Trilobite. I so love evolutionary satire. Here’s a bit…

“It’s a wonderful time to be alive,” said the tri-lobed creature, its protruding feelers and antennules twitching spasmodically with anticipation. “To be born during this, the Cambrian Explosion—why, I couldn’t imagine a better period, really. It’s all happening right now! I mean, if things keep going the way they’re going, what with evolution taking off and everything, pretty soon we’ll have huge, towering reptiles roaming across the earth.”

“Can you imagine it? Reptiles!” the trilobite added. “I’m not even sure what those are!”

Ricky Gervais: Darwin was wrong.

Since I haven’t been posting much lately, I thought I’d toss in a little bit of humor courtesy of Ricky Gervais. I just caught this on Unreasonable Faith and wanted to share because everyone can use some laughter to brighten up their day.