The church sign I saw today at a local church currently ranks as the worst one I’ve ever personally seen. When I read it on the way to work this morning, I almost pulled over right away to write it down (I waited for a stop sign instead). Here’s what it said.
Honk if you love Jesus.
Text while driving if you don’t.
My initial impression was that I was just misinterpreting it… because all I could get out of it was “Honk if you love Jesus, otherwise crash and die.” I showed it to a religious friend at work and his jaw fell. He couldn’t think of any “good” interpretation of that message, either.
Another friend told me that he’d seen a sign that said, “Honk if you love Jesus. Text if you want to meet him.” That’s still kind of morbid, but it’s more of a traffic safety message than a good Christian message. Perhaps the sign I saw was a gross misrepresentation of that one?
I’m still not going to text while driving.
I snapped a picture of the sign this morning using my cell phone. The image is a bit grainy and I managed to get my car’s antenna right in the middle of the sign, but the words are legible. Click for a bigger version. Enjoy!
I’m going to assume that someone put it up there without understanding what the words imply. I doubt there’s someone at that church who is vindictive and spiteful enough to wish death on the non-Jesus-lovers. I could be wrong, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Should have got a picture.
Wish granted. 😉
“I doubt there’s someone at that church who is vindictive and spiteful enough to wish death on the non-Jesus-lovers.”
I think you’re giving them too much credit. I think we’re interpreting it EXACTLY as it was meant…. the sick f-ers!
I’m considering calling the church and asking them if they understand the implication their sign conveys.
A “Yes” would warrant an editorial in the local paper, I think… or something on a larger stage.
Do it!! I’d love to read how the church explains this message!