One of the biggest reasons that I dislike religion is because it is considered infallible and therefore can not be questioned. There are so many reasons to dislike religion from the hypocrisy of those in leadership, silly superstitious beliefs, etc. Of all the things to dislike, I think it is the unquestioning nature of religion I hate the most. Don’t question the priest, don’t question the Imam, don’t question the bible. Everywhere you turn are "answers" but no questions. This leads me to the title of this article.
I received this comment recently on an article I wrote:
"CCB says:
you’re ignorant. go to church you sick pig. find god in your life, maybe then you’ll have different views."
Oh…I’m sure I’d have different views alright. I wanted to start this article with the obvious comments:
- If you’re going to start a sentence about ignorance, at least capitalize it.
- You certainly exude the "Christian" ethic. Golly, can I go to your church?
- If finding God in my life led me to calling people I don’t know sick pigs, …well then sign me up!
- I don’t have "God" in my life, therefore, I am allowed to have different views.
- I guess, WWJD doesn’t come into your mind very often, huh?
…but I didn’t want to take the easy road, so I’m not going to make any of those comments, *ahem*.
You, CCB, are the reason this website exists. Well, maybe not "you" specifically but people like you. When you suggest I go to church, which one should it be? Muslim, Christian, Jewish, or is any God ok, as long as there is one in my life? I have a sneaking suspicion that two out of those three Gods would not be on your approved God list. Your unquestioning and insulting nature is what fuels this site and those like it. You may not like my style of sarcastic humor but you can’t argue with the facts of the article you commented about.
The Pope was involved with a cover-up of child rape. The Pope did ignore rape allegations. The Vatican will not accept responsibility for it’s lack of oversight of priests. These are facts. You may not like them but they are true.
So, CCB (if that is your real name… and if it is, it’s a weird name) thanks for reading and keep the insightful comments coming.